Adama, Ethiopia
Adama German Hotel
- Mr. German build the hotel and it is the newest in Adama. The rooms are spacious and each has a balcony. The staff are extremely friendly and attend to your every need.
Workshop room at Adama hotel. This is the Hematology group working on Causes of Anemia and how to perform a manual differential count.
Workshop room at Adama hotel. This is the Hematology group working on Causes of Anemia and how to perform a manual differential count.
It just does not get any better than this: great accomodations and working environment, afternoon tea, and enjoy a good conversation.
IET Services
The picture of the lion is beautiful. It would be so neat to travel to a differant country and learn how differant their ways are compared to ours in the US. I think it is great you can do things like this and help others.
Melissa Owens HESC 1010
How nice to visit and experience life in another country other than your own. I wish I was there right about now. I have always wanted to know what is the difference in a tribe and religion? What is the biggest religion worshiped?
Coretta Hannon HESC 1010
Let's see if I can ansswer your question. A Tribe is your extended family and there are cultures and traditions associated with tribes. religions differ by country and region. In Ethiopia, there are many Greek Orthodox- I have a collection of silver crosses from each different region in Ethiopia- they are all gorgeous! You will find Christians, Muslims, Protestants and Catholics, and many other religions as well in most all contries. I visit churches as I am able - there is 1 Catholic Church in Nairobi that I love to attend. There are ~ 600-700 people each service and there are 3-4 services each Sunday with people from all over the world and all faiths! Truly amazing!
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