LSUA Medical Technologist's Travel

Monday, June 07, 2010

Cathy and Kariuki present "Strengthening KMTC Medical lab Science curriculum" at IFBLS Conference in Nairobi. There are > 800 Med Lab Scientists at the convention and from every country in the world! Peter Kariuki is Head-Dept for all 11 KMTC MLS departments. We have been working together for 2 1/2 years and KMTC has successfully implemented competency-based curiculum; with student final exam scores demonstrating the success.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

IFBLS: The CDC-Kenya and ASCP group: From left- Bryan (ASCP), Linus (CDC-ke), Ernest (CDC-ke), Shannon (ASCP), and Jennifer (ASCP). It's great to see our Kenyan friends.

Here I am with Jane and Vicki, two Medical Lab Science colleagues from UTMB. We are all ASCP Consultants. Vicki is also presenting at the IFBLS Conference this week. Small world meeting around the globe!

International Federation of Biological Laboratory Science Convention

Shannon (ASCP), Cathy, Bryan (ASCP) at the Italian Restaurant, Osteria, in Nairobi

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Lots of Animals Around the Game Lodge