This time I am off the provide a mentorship to faculty in Lesotho at the National Health Training Center (NHTC). NHTC is a college with abouty 400-500 students pursuing degrees in Medical Lab Science, Social Work, Pharmacy, and Nursing. There are about 60-70 students in the MLS program righ now. There are 6 faculty who I met last Thursday and to begin our time together they gave me a tour of their campus, classrooms, student labs, and the canteen!
Lesotho is a very small country completely surrounded by South Africa. It is not too far from the Indian Ocean and sits in a huge valley surrounded by mountains! March is the beginning of their summertime and so far the weather has been perfect- about 70 degrees F, a light breeze, and beautiful blue skies that make a perfect backdrop for the mountains. I am staying at the Lesotho Sun Hotel which sits atop a mountain and our room balconies overlook the valley below and the surrounding mountains.
Here are a few interesting facts about Lesotho:
1884 - Becomes a British colony after revolt against Cape Colonial rule. Paramount chiefs retain large degree of autonomy
1939-45 - World War II, with 20,000 Sotho serving in the British forces.British colony
Independence in 1966 - Independence as Kingdom of Lesotho, with Moshoeshoe II as king and Chief Leabua Jonathan (Basotho National Party) as prime minister